Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009

Learning from HUSNG videos

Hey all...Yesterday was an educational day. I watched some videos and as I wrote I will try to comment on some coaching videos from the perspective of a student. I realy enjoy the videos from PrimordialAA. I have finished the intermediate concepts, too. I like the concepts of seeing some slides with detailed explanations and implement the currently learned into the game. The videos are quit a bit tricky to handle when you instantly go in a match after watching. The explanations from the coaches sounds always very reasonable but it is not so easy to figure out in which situations you can compare it. That sounds a bit strange but you have to remind that every villain has different skills and every hand is diferent depending on the board structure and agian on the nature of your opponent. However, the important thing is to adjust your game and allways keep the basics in mind. That is one of my leaks in the past. I usually play the first games very concentrated and my tendency is to get casualy the more games I play. My second big leak is that I am always in trouble after geting a cooler, sucked out or a realy bad beat. I always say to my self "thats the part of the game" but can't live that really. So, what I have to change? First of all I will play not so long sessions anymore and quit a session after I have the feeling to not really focus on my game. Secondly I will make a break after getting coolers etc. for at least 10 minutes (get something to drink, post that hand in the forum and so on). I will write down a checklist with some reminders and some requirements to always have a look if something went wrong.
One advice what I never have done is to get a handhistory replayer and analyse my one game. I started that yesterday and wow I saw some big mistakes what I did during my game (gave free cards, didn't value bet my strong hands, going for check-raises when the board was so draw heavy and so on).
I am really thinking about to take some coaching lessons after my holiday. BBU_3001 from the pokertips forum currently told me that this has a hugh impact on your game. I still have my some of my 6max bankroll and have to decide if I will make an investment into coaching. Today I will see the two videos from Primo regarding the advance concepts to have the series complete and then switch to another coach to have a comparison. I will check out to get some beginner videos to start and of course I have to see the matches between PrimordialAA and BBU_3001 and the review video thereafter. So, take care and good luck to your own game and stay tuuuuuuuuuuuuuned :-).

4 Kommentare:

  1. yeah I agree with what u say. all the videos are really great to watch and get input - implementing and recognising which situation is which on the tables is another story oftentimes ;D

    I took the coaching pretty soon after I returned to HUSNG by august because I really love this kind of poker but coulnt beat it, which was frustrating obv. having some1 to talk about matches u actually played is kind of another quality than watching videos and stuff coz u are much more inside the games - hope u know i mean ;D I take a lot out of how he approches the hands, all the stuff he considers when concluding to a decission in every single spot. The whole coaching isnt like u get the formular for how to crush - its more a learning to think and I feel it opens my mind.
    I deceided to match primo because we couldnt find too many leaks in my game so far but I am sure there are A LOT and I hoped playin a tough opponent might bring them to light. as u can see in the analysis part - he showed many hands that I misplayed or at least could have played better against him. so I liked it :) btw, he only won 3:2 im so proud^^

    gl 2 u!!!

  2. Spielst du eigenltich normale SNG´s auch?
    Falls du noch an Links interessiert bist, hab dich mal bei mir mit aufgenommen.
    Weiterhin viel Glück.

    Gruß Methos

  3. Fun to read a blog from someone just getting going...keep it up!!!


  4. Hey und guten Morgen,

    bin durch Zufall über den Link bei Thomas bei Dir gelandet. Deine Posts sind klasse und lassen mich sehr an frühere Zeiten erinnern. Wenn Du weiterhin mit Thomas und den anderen lernst dauert es sicher nicht mehr lange bis man dich bei den 115ern und höher begrüßen werden darf :)

    Viele Grüße aus Braunschweig nach Berlin, würd mich über einen Gegenbesuch freuen: ;)
