Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009


First of all I would like to explain why I am writing again in English and will continue to the most of my future postings. I am not a poker player who gets lot of interests because of my play for sure but anyway I get a lot of chat when I play at FullTilt Poker from observers. Thats great but yesterday I had to switch of my chat due to it distracted me of my game. However, please feel free to leave a comment in this blog or try to get me on via msn.
Todays headline is "Considerations". What does that mean? For me it means that I considered for what a blog is and very important for whom. Many blogs are related to the success of a poker player, to post stats, hands, graphics, how the bankroll increases and so on. Is my blog different from any other blog? No, its still the same. Now, I am thinking about how to make my blog more interesting and how I could manage that. The blogs I read in the past was of course the blogs from the big poker pros and the great winning players. They did it great for sure. Of my interest was; how they started? did they had ever the feeling that the game is beating them and not backwards? Have they ever thought to quit the game because they were unsuccessfull? Sometimes you can read the career history briefly but not in detail step by step. One of my favourite blog is the blog from Thomas (

Why? I clicked on every blog link from HokieGreg and came on Thomas blog. In the beginning he wasn't such a great poker player and struggled a lot with what game is the best for him and played on different sides and different poker styles. He had success and he had very bad downswings. The read such honest postings was fresh air for me and I could find myself in the same spot now as he was some years ago. I read every posting from him since he began to blog.
Now I have the idea to use my blog to show and descride the stony way from a noobie to a pro. I must laugh at myself to read the word pro and relates it to me. My interpretation of a pro relating it to me is to control/dominate the game. I have my sure outcome with my job and I am not allocated to any poker winnings (now I must laugh again...which winnings :-)). I can't give any guarantees that I will manage it but maybe the blog will show up some thougth processes some feelings after bad session, bad play etc. and of course my traning plan/concept over the next few weeks. Ok, that was a long introduction.
What was yesterday? Not much. I had to work and could only played 5 games between going to sport and bying an ipod touch :-). Yes, I bought one and was searching for a program to convert the HUSNG Videos into an ipod version with success. I will be on holiday on 19th October for one week and will not miss me training videos. The converting takes very long and the files for the ipod are hugh. Together with Collin Moshman's HU Book I have a lot of educational fun during my holidays :-). So, in my next post I will come back to PrimordialsAA scratch beginner videos. He explaines very well the basic concepts of HU SnG poker. I will do some reviews of the training videos and post ist here, too. Of course not to critize the content rather than give a feedback how the training video was performed and if I have the feeling that it improved my game. So, stay tuned.

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