Montag, 9. November 2009

The aspect of Tilt

I would like to write about "Tilt" today due to that I noticed that getting on tilt is a big issue for any poker player.
How do you notice that you are on tilt? Usually you notice it at the end of a session and its probably too late.
When you are on tilt you don't play very well and make some strange decisions, either by making some stupid calls or
stupid moves. You generally would like to force your opponent to make mistakes but when you are on tilt most of the time you are the one who are making hugh mistakes.
It is a creeping process until you register it and sometime you dont even do that.
Why are you tilting? I think it depends on several factors. Sometimes a normal bad beat could be the an activator or the own thinking. As an example I played agianst a very bad player. His sharkscope stats were horrible. Great, ist easy money was my thinking even before the first hand was dealt. This bad player played so weird and I couldn't adapt my game. So, I lost the first match. He accepted a re-match and I lost that game, too. I tought OK, stay calm and play him again. I dont want to go in hands in detail, because not the hands are so important if you are already on tilt. More important is the reason for the tilt and this was in my case AKs and villain made again a strange bet from the buttom, he bet half his stack by a 2:1 lead an I shoved all-in...he showed T2o, I couldn't believe it. The flop was something like Q82 and I lost the third match in a row. He accepted another re-match and I declinded. I looked in his sharkscope in more detail and he lost 11 matches in a row before playing me and that was the normal stretch in his last 250 games. After having a break to come down a bit I played some more matches against several players, some good some bad and after the session I lost 8 buyins and I made some weird things. The strange thing is that I knew in some cases that this would be a stupid move but I did it anyway.
In this posting I would really appreciate if some of you would leave a comment how your technic is to protect against going on tilt, please. I know it is difficult and ther is no general advice for sure.
If I am concentrated and thinking about my game I could be a well basicly skilled HU SnG player. I read a lot, watched a lot videos but I think I have something like a tilt problem...or say it my tilt skills are way behind my poker skills some times. It's annoying when the good work the last couple of days gets smashed by tilting in a few games. Fortunately I did not make things like playing a higher limit or so...but who knows when I am able to do those crackbrained things on my next tilt!? Thnaks for any comment on that in advance and stay tuned.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Tinker...for me it is very obvious when tilt is setting in. Usually it is triggered by a bad beat or if my opponnet makes an idiotic play that is rewarded by a lucky draw.
    When the tilt is setting in, I usually feel angry, frustrated, and sometimes I feel like breaking my keyboard or mouse. (Luckily I have always refrained from actually doing this, although I did go outside and totally destroy an old worthless tennis racquet once). Since I believe it is very difficult to play optimally when your body is full of adrenalin like this, my advice is to take a break...maybe go for a walk...go grab a cup of coffee...anything. Usually in 15 minutes or will feel normal again, and you can once agaain play your best.

    Good Luck!!!


  2. Sorry, I'm not on Facebook. Due to my business it's not well seen from my management. I know thats strange but a colleague had some negative feedback some months ago :-( I work at a federal department and they are very bureaucratic.
